Randomy random is utterly random

Sep 24, 2014 14:51

I've managed to kill all the flies in the office. It took 3 days because there were a HELL OF A LOTTA FLIES UP IN HERE! It's nice not to have to scrape their clueless little bodies off my glasses anymore.

It was 24C here yesterday and my apartment building has set the radiators to the handy 'blowtorch' setting. I've been sweating on the couch with all of the windows open while watching old episodes of The West Wing. God, do I know how to have fun, or what?

I caught the last 10 minutes of the season premiere of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. last night and [f-list buddies who love this show PLEASE STOP READING NOW] the cringe-worthiness of the dialog made me rant for about 7 minutes straight. Honestly, fans, I tried but I. just. can't. with that damned show. As always, I feel that the episode is best when all of Team Machine is involved, and while they are currently split up, I love how each of them is dealing with it. Their reactions are great: Reese can't deal without having the Numbers as his purpose anymore, Shaw wants to bust some heads but is worried about the overall plan, Root is ridiculously sanguine about the whole thing (and wins best line for: "We have five - six if you count the dog"), and Finch is just scared and refuses to see that he can't walk away from his band of merry men whether he wants to or not. Shaw's day job makes me love her so hard it almost hurts, and WOW, Show is really playing up the Root/Shaw 'ship. I'm sorry but I could see that from space and I don't femslash at all. Also, I'm really loving Finch's reticence to engage with the new reality that he has (basically) created - but it probably won't last long since he's found the Bat Cave now. The only thing I wasn't on board with was Reese's new 'identity' as an NYPD detective. Really? C'mon now... He's a terrible cop. Truly. And I'm not wild about Show conveniently hooking him up with Lionel. But MB and I both did a little cheer to see Elias back in the frame again ;) And, of course, MB, being the music geek that he is, fell in love with the closing song from last night's episode:

I'd Love To Change The World by Jetta

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I love that this show still enthralls me. It's one of a handful that I actually make a point of watching weekly as opposed to watching on demand when I get around to it.

Okay, so back to the important stuff: the Leafs won their pre-season game against Philly. Yay! Also, since the team is gonna split up into two travel squads, Reimer gets his first start of the season against Ottawa tonight. I have a soft spot for James and I want him to get his confidence back this season so that he and Bernier can be the dynamic goal tending duo that we've proven that this team needs (at least until the rest of the team figures out how to play defense *eyeroll*). I can't believe how much I've missed hockey!

Mum has just informed me that she'll be in for every weekend in October due to our opera schedule and various agricultural shows that she wants to attend. I guess I won't be getting much writing done next month :/ I also (randomly, natch) read an article about straight women writing gay porn/erotica and discussing whether it is another example of minority victimization (because straight chicks don't know anything about gay men and clearly must be making it up as they go along). Sometimes I want to throw my hands in the air at fandom's ability to endlessly navel-gaze. I mean, we all do it to some extent, but sometimes a story about two guys in a relationship cigar is just a cigar, right? Not everything is a social justice touchpoint.

Anyway, on that note, I'm gonna participate in brumeier's 5 Positive Things meme. The point of this is to mention 5 things about you that are good. This should be fun as I tend to self-deprecate to the point of invisibility, but whatever...

  1. I think a lot. You know, for fun an' stuff. This means that I inadvertently end up learning about a lot of random things. Some of it's useful, some of it isn't, but the best part is when this strange knowledge asserts itself and freaks people out in conversation. I guess I just enjoy being weird a little too much.
  2. I make stuff. I draw, I write, and, on rare occasions, I actually fabricate things with my hands. I usually think that I'm good at it.
  3. I'm funny, and most of the time it's on purpose ;)
  4. I'm independent. Like, 'send her off into an unknown situation and she'll come back successfully and with a bunch of weird stories'-kinda independent. I don't actually enjoy that sort of thing, but it turns out that I'm good at it.
  5. I can organize like nobody's business. I think it has something to do with my intolerance for excessive bullshit, but I could be mistaken about that.

Anyone who wants to do this meme, consider yourself tagged ;)

to do list, writing, homosexuality, the mind is a terrible thing to taste, thinky stuff, youtube, music, video, unsolicted opinions, synap, this is why we can't have nice things, fandom, lucky #7, person of interest, friends, meme, sports, family, omgwtf, bullshit, art, procrastination, things that make you go hmmm, your shit is crazy

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