When The Girls Wanting To Have Fun Make You Concerned For Their Emotional Wellbeing

Aug 20, 2014 15:23

So, there's this DUDE who sings in a manner that many DUDES do at the current moment (i.e. breathy and angsty) and he's working on a weird project where he takes popular songs and converts them from major to minor keys and in the process it changes everything about the performance.

He's done Cyndi Lauper's Girls Just Wanna Have Fun and it's a lot more impressive this way (honestly, I NEVER really listened to the lyrics of this song before):

image Click to view

Yeah, it's been engineered to be click-bait and he's yet another sad example of how non-Canadian men have utterly misunderstood the purpose and function of the TOUQUE!, but it's a good example of how tone can manipulate your emotional response to a work of art. It's a lesson that those of us who make artforms should never lose sight of.

Here endeth the lesson.

wait...what?, the mind is a terrible thing to taste, desk dancing, youtube, music, video, unsolicted opinions, creative brain stuff, musical tastes, things that make you go hmmm

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