July 4th Has Never Been So Furry

Jul 04, 2014 12:54

Soooooo... I'm Canadian. It ain't a holiday here - we had that earlier this week when my bad-ass homeland turned 147 (yeah, Canada is bad-ass, it's just, you know, stealth bad-ass).

BUT, many of my f-listies are located south of this bad-ass nation, and it is their Independence Day. Which brings me to my point finally: I have a guilty, shameful love of disaster flicks and high up on that list is the incredibly improbable, awful, ridiculously patriotic Independence Day. Honestly, I watch it when I run across it on tv, I own a copy on BOTH VHS and DVD, and I can pretty much mouth along with the dialog. Yeah, shameful.

Anywhooo... for my American friends, have a fun, safe, totalitarian alien-free Independence Day (but remember, if the aliens show up, just infect their foreign OS with some quickly-designed viral spam) and watch this:

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No one battles alien invaders more effectively than pug puppies.

And just in case you need to know EVERYTHING that Roland Emmerich got wrong, here:

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people who haz tha phunny, apocalypse watch, stop the world - i wanna get off, friends, the universe is a hologram, doomsday clock, the element of awesomite, youtube, holiday, video, this is why we can't have nice things, the cuteness it burns, fabulousity, dogs, pop culture boulibase

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