My brain has just stumbled out of a sleazy hotel room blinking resentfully into the morning light after spending a debauched night with Lana Del Rey's new album. Seriously, my brain doesn't regret it but feels in desperate need of a shower, a cigarette, and some alone time to process the 'oh-my-god-we-did-WHAT?' recriminations. This is gonna inspire some stuff... I know it.
Shades of Cool:
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I love the face of the guy in this video. This whole song has a wonderful David Lynch/Angelo Badalamenti feel to it.
West Coast (just ignore the images here - there's no official video so VEVO just looped the same 8 second video clip over and over because they have the creative abilities of an infant chimp apparently):
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This whole album brings back such weird memories of California for me... perhaps that's where the one night stand metaphor came from... *shrugs, wanders away shiftily*