What I Done Did & Tha Feelz I'z Feltz About 'Em

Jan 03, 2014 17:45

So, I wrote up a summation of 2013 on New Year's Day and didn't make a lot of to-do about the writing thingies. I'm sure that non-writery peeps appreciated that because that Blythe... she can go on and on about shit...


However, this post is all about 2013 writing thingies, so if that isn't your game, just move along... nothing to see here. I stole this from cherie_morte who has been a terribly bad influence over the past year, which I'm sure fills her craven little heart with unseemly joy ;)

(Just so we're clear, this will include the small amount of fan art that I did in 2013 as well)
Published in 2013: According to AO3 (but I suspect bullshit on a few of these in terms of actual posting dates)

1. Not Included The Brochure (Sherlock/Criminal Minds x-over, PG, Sherlock/John (sorta) and Reid/Hotch)
2. About Her (Criminal Minds, PG, Reid/Prentiss, for picfor1000)
3. Safe Zone (Sherlock, G, Sherlock & John, for comment_fic)
4. Something Less Ordinary (Criminal Minds, NC-17, Reid/Hotch)
5. Again (La Femme Nikita - tv 1998, PG, Michael/Nikita for comment_fic)
6. So You'll Know Where I'll Be (Person of Interest, G, Reese/Finch for my Love Bingo card)
7. Far Away, So Close (Criminal Minds, PG, Reid/Prentiss)
8. Father's Day (Criminal Minds, G, Reid/Prentiss for my Love Bingo card)
9. The Secret Marriage (Criminal Minds, G, Reid/Hotch & Team for my Love Bingo card)
10. Just Right (Criminal Minds, PG, Reid/Hotch (sorta))
11. A Little Better (Criminal Minds, R, Reid/Hotch - a follow-up to Just Right)
12. Put Your Back Into It (Criminal Minds, PG, Reid/Prentiss (sorta) for my Love Bingo card)
13. Torque (Criminal Minds, PG, Reid/Prentiss (sorta) a follow-up to Put Your Back Into It)
14. Electricity (Criminal Minds, R, Reid/Prentiss (fer realz) a follow-up to Torque)
15. There Will Be Blood (Original, R, no pairings)
16. Add It To The List (Criminal Minds, PG, Reid/Hotch for comment_fic)
17. Morally Indefensible (Criminal Minds, NC-17, Reid/Hotch for cm_bigbang)
18. On Appropriate Remuneration For Mortal Peril (Criminal Minds, G, no pairings - for comment_fic)
19. Re-Gift (The X-Files, G, Mulder & Scully)\
20. Convenient People (Criminal Minds, NC-17, Reid/Prentiss - though I completed and published the first chapter in 2012, I wrote another 15,000 words for it and published the completed version in May 2013)
21. Count For Me ~art~ (Criminal Minds, G, Reid/Hotch - for bittereternity)
22. Hydra ~art~ (Supernatural, G, Sam/Dean - for cherie_morte)
23. As Boundless As The Sea ~art~ (SPN RPF, G, Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki - for cherie_morte)
24. Do Androids Dream? ~art x2~ (Supernatural/Blade Runner x-over, PG, Sam/Dean (sorta) for cherie_morte)
25. Workaholic ~art~ (Criminal Minds, PG, Reid/Hotch)
(All of these can be found on AO3)

Unpublished But Written in 2013:

1. Untitled Supernatural Gift Fic (Supernatural, G, Sam & Dean for minouette - I just can't get this story moving at all)
2. Can't Save Her (Criminal Minds, R???, Reid/Maeve - this is never getting finished)
3. I Drove Through Ghosts To Get To You (Criminal Minds, R???, Reid/Hotch - started as a response to season 9 canon and then I just didn't give a shit anymore. plus, I stole the title from someone else)
4. Mistaken (Criminal Minds, NC-17, Reid/Prentiss - a lumbering WIP that is now over 20,000 words and still hasn't really gone anywhere. some nice parts but I feel that I've told this story already... I'm not sure if I should throw in the towel on this one)
5. The Test (Criminal Minds, NC-17 Reid/Prentiss - weird-o AU that I've barely started. I already hate a lot about it starting with the title...)
6. Intolerable Me, Despicable You (Criminal Minds, NC-17, Hotch/Prentiss - my current obsession - 12,000 words)
7. Untitled Original Crime Story (I'm not going to go into details about this here - it's one of my 2014 'get 'er done!' projects)
8. Untitled Dystopian Werewolf Story (this one's been in the hopper since 2010. christ...)
9. Bailing Out the Ocean ~art~ (Original, still working on it)
10. I've Got Your Back ~art~ (Original, still working on it)

Total Word Count: ~195,000 words

Fandoms that I dabbled in this year, old and new: Criminal Minds is still my primary fandom, but I also dipped a toe into Supernatural, Almost Human, Person of Interest, La Femme Nikita, The X-Files, and Hannibal.

My favorite story this year: "Something Less Ordinary" is kinda pushing that button for me. When I posted it, I wasn't confident about it at all, but I've grown to like it more and more as I get further away from stressing over it. It isn't a great story, but I achieved what I set out to do with it and I.Am.Pleased. That'll do, story... that'll do.

My least favorite story this year: "About Her" is truly awkward, both in concept and execution. I wasn't inspired by my prompt image and then rushed to finish it >:/

Most successful story: Probably "Morally Indefensible". It registered over 2000 hits in 5 months - if it's not the most successful, it's the most successful in the shortest amount of exposure time.

Story most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion: I don't have a story from 2013 that I feel got less than it's due. BUT I still feel that "East and West" from 2012 never got the readership that it deserved.

Most fun story: "Add It To The List", for the tentacles ;) I loves me some Spen-tacles!

Story with single sexiest moment: Oh god - sexy is so fucking relative. I don't find the stuff I write to be particularly sexy (even when I'm trying to go for that). I found "Again" to be sexy, although I didn't write any real smut for it - it was just a feeling I was trying to establish between two characters. I also find "Workaholic" to be very sexy, but it's actually just two guys sleeping. Yeah, I'm weird... thanks for spotting that.

Biggest story fail: Hmmmmm, "Mistaken" is looking like a viable candidate for this... but of the things that I actually published, I'd probably go with "About Her". Ugh!

Hardest story to make: "Morally Indefensible" took tremendous effort to complete. I still can't believe that I finished it and that I don't hate it. I haven't re-read it since I posted it, so maybe I will end up loathing it, I dunno...

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? The list of writing is pretty damned long! I have impressed myself. I got so swallowed up by "Morally Indefensible" that I forgot about a lot of the others. I'm definitely impressed by the amount of art that I completed.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? I have never in my life tried to write for La Femme Nikita before, and I loved the resulting story. Too bad the fandom is DEAD.

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? I don't think that I took any conscious risks other than to commit to a Big Bang competition. I know that I challenged some of my style ideals throughout the year with various efforts, but I don't recall making a decision to do that - it just happened. I have learned that I need to find better ways to say more with less, if that makes any sense. I'm also interested in discovering non-traditional ways to describe things without distracting the reader with the artifice of it.

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: It's a WIP, but it definitely qualifies: "Intolerable Me, Despicable You". The pairing, the style, and the characterizations are all very unlike my other stuff. If I can achieve what I'm aiming for with this one, I'll be really proud of myself.

Biggest Surprise: I illustrated a Real Person Fic, which is sorta a big squick of mine *shrugs*

Story with the sweetest moment: The tea delivery in "Safe Zone" is one of my favorite moments - period.

Story that made you cry: I don't cry at my own stories. But I did feel bad for my characters in "Morally Indefensible" because I put them through a lot.

Most eye roll-worthy title: "Father's Day" - I literally couldn't think of anything better *headdesk*

Most intentionally telling: "Put Your Back Into It" - although it wasn't telling until I wrote the second follow-up ;)

Unintentionally?: "Morally Indefensible" feels like a story that I should defend... and yet there are elements in it that I can't really justify at all.

Most overdue: "Mistaken" - I've been writing this monster since June.

This year's theme and the story that demonstrates it most: Angst and "Morally Indefensible", although I tend to write angsty most of the time so I don't think that it qualifies as a 'theme'. I'm just a miserable bugger and want all of my readers to feel the same ;)

Favorite Opening Line(s): From "Just Right":
Now his feet were too hot. The windows didn’t open, the room’s climate controls seemed to be stuck on ‘extreme mediocrity’, there was a really bad smell coming from the bathroom, and one of the beds had a questionable stain on it which forced him to share the remaining bed with his boss.
<- it just gets worse from there ;)

Favorite Closing Line(s): From "Again":
He looked away as if something more interesting had caught his eye, but he moved towards her placing his glass on the countertop with care. His hand found hers and fingers traced over, through, and around it slowly, his eyes falling to them in fascination. She breathed out in despair as her head dipped a little closer to his: they fell back into attraction so easily, as if their whole relationship was a function of amnesia and magnetism. He’s so good at this. How did he ever get so good at manipulating me?

Top 5 Scenes from Anywhere You Would Choose to Have Illustrated: This is sorta weird because I'm a control freak about my own stuff, but, whatever...
1. I'd looooove to see the tentacle-y kiss from "Add It To The List" done ;)
2. I have a very specific idea of what Klax from "There Will Be Blood" looks like, so I'd like to see how his 'torture' scene translates... OR the scene where he jogs past Sam's house at night. That scene gives me Edward Hopper fantasies all the time.
3. I'd probably kiss someone on the lips for real if they illustrated "East and West" in a traditional fairy tale style. Any scene.
4. "Safe Zone" actually started out in my head as a drawing, sooooo... yeah, thatone fer sure.
5. I'd like to see something from "Just Right" - just for cuddles giggles.

to do list, x-files, bad idea?, eyebrows of doom, criminal minds, linkity-link-link, writing, existentialist angst, the mind is a terrible thing to taste, thinky stuff, fan art, the state of the blythe, hell yeah!, woulda shoulda coulda, unsolicted opinions, this is why we can't have nice things, fandom, wait...what?, picture, supernatural, fanfiction, friends, meme, omgwtf, write something you miserable fuck, things that make you go hmmm, your shit is crazy, yay me!

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