My Brain Has Just Been Reduced To An Overcooked Slice Of Bacon

Dec 12, 2013 10:52

I just read a fanfic created in Powerpoint.


Someone recommended it on crack_van, and though it is for a fandom that makes me recoil in horror for more than one reason (NHL hockey RPF <- AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! MY EYES ARE BURNING!!), I had to click on it because... well... IT'S POWERPOINT.

I didn't really understand all of it, but what I did understand was hilarious. And - honestly - who wakes up and says "You know what this fic needs? Bullet points and SmartArt"?

Of course, I wanted to redesign it to make it look better...
And now I'm starting to think about Powerpoint fanfic...

*repeated headdesking*

wait...what?, bad idea?, sports, powerpoint, the element of awesomite, omgwtf, this is why we can't have nice things, creative brain stuff, things that make you go hmmm, your shit is crazy

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