It's Tuesday. The Subject Is Money. GO!

Dec 10, 2013 12:07

I've been reading a lot lately about the younger generation's apathy towards established social values because they feel hopelessly removed from them. Kinda like a Dickensian street waif fogging up the glowing windows of privilege with their unfortunate desperation. Some social scientists have labeled this particular segment of the population "The ( Read more... )

eyebrows of doom, money, stop the world - i wanna get off, alternative paradigms, annoying bullshit, the mind is a terrible thing to taste, fuck!, angry, thanks for nothing, youtube, litany of woe, dangerous questions, unsolicted opinions, politics, perception is illusion, wait...what?, egg management fee, oh come on!, blythe is gonna blow, nicer places than here, the march of the plebs, stupid people, strong opinions, dumb people, omgwtf, entitlement, things that make you go hmmm

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l_rabbit December 10 2013, 23:55:06 UTC

I agree with you completely. Just yesterday I was startled to read that it's not only fast-food and discount-store workers; even bank-tellers are having to rely on public assistance! It seems a huge proportion of low-paid employees are in the same fix!

The "middle-class" is having a hard time making ends meet, too. Tax-payers are taking home less of their paychecks because they are supplementing the payrolls of the mega-corporations! As you said, "A livable working wage should be a basic right." People are feeling the economic inequality more and more. They are indignant about the unfairness of it. The latest economic crash made the situation a lot worse. More and more protests and strikes are being held, all over the world.

I think now the only way to help people to make a decent living is through legislation. The companies should not be permitted to make their employees use public assistance, instead of paying a living wage in the first place. There need to be laws against that! Too many politicians are hand-in-glove with the industrial giants. They are biased against laws to protect workers. But the Republicans and the media can spout off all they want; the fact remains that we voted Obama in for a second term, and his reforms (like the Affordable Care Act) are helping to make things better.

Oh, yes, I saw that show when Jon Stewart took on Stuart Varney. That was hilarious, and also right to the point. The rationalizations against paying a living wage were shown up for just how ridiculous they are!


blythechild December 11 2013, 15:37:37 UTC
I agree that corporations shouldn't consider the public coffers as a subsidy to their payroll department. Not unless they wish to pay significantly more in federal taxes.


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