Gift Fic 2013: Re-Gift for cherie_morte

Dec 09, 2013 11:24

Finally! I thought that this was never gonna happen... I broke my writer's block streak and have managed to eek out my first gift story from the 2013 prompts. This one is for the incomparable cherie_morte who prompted the following:

"The X-Files. Contrary to what Agent Mulder keeps insisting, at no point during that case did Scully say that she wanted to keep the alien-dog-creature as a Christmas present."

Every time I read this prompt, I chuckle. So, fair warning, I haven't written any X-Files fic in ages and this story is pretty pointless, but there is something about everyday Mulder and Scully that just makes me happy. There are no warnings for this at all. I know, SHOCKING!

Re-Gift for cherie_morte on AO3

You can access all Gift Stories, past and present, by clicking on the "gift fic" tag below.

gift fic, to do list, x-files, bad idea?, linkity-link-link, friends, fanfiction, the mind is a terrible thing to taste, the state of the blythe, woulda shoulda coulda, write something you miserable fuck, too smart for the semicolon, this is why we can't have nice things, writer's block, dogs

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