Fan Art WIP, Part 2

Nov 08, 2013 16:46

A while back, I posted the linework for an illustration for bittereternity.

And then some LIFE happened that blew me off course for a bit *shame face*. Anyhooooo, today I managed to finish the flats for it:

Before you start in with the "Hey, B! What's doin' with ALL OF THAT PINK???" or "Why are they all in the same colour?" let me allay your fears by saying - no, I have not decided that all characters shall dress monochromatically from now on, and that TRUST ME, the pink background will work. Eventually.

It's just the flats, people... it won't end up looking like this when it's done...

criminal minds, linkity-link-link, friends, fandom, illustration, fan art

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