It's Time To Be As Unproductive As Possible

Oct 30, 2013 14:04

Blatant Pimpage!
It's that time of year again. wrisomifu (Write Something, You Miserable Fuck), a writing group for embittered underachievers who enjoy the company of same, is gearing up for another month of doom and gloom! To join, all you need to do is commit to writing (original fiction, fanfic, anonymous tumblr asks, angry screeds, your memoirs, ransom notes, your thesis, poetry, graffiti - anything!) for at least ten minutes each day for the entire month of November. Whining and moaning about every page, paragraph, sentence, and word is wildly sanctioned.

If you're wretched enough to want to join the cluster sulk, we'll be accepting new miserable fucks for this year's challenge up until midnight on October 31. Sign up here!

I cannot tell you how much fun this community is. Honestly. Even if your writing skills are limited to weekly misspelled grocery lists, consider signing up. It is only on for the month of November but the bitch sessions and group-mopes will warm yer heart for a whole year. This is a highly recommended activity, people...

people who haz tha phunny, bad idea?, eyebrows of doom, linkity-link-link, fuck-a-doodle-doo, writing, existentialist angst, the mind is a terrible thing to taste, the state of the blythe, hell yeah!, woulda shoulda coulda, too smart for the semicolon, unsolicted opinions, opportunities, this is why we can't have nice things, fabulousity, creative brain stuff, woe is me!, happiness, ockham's razor, friends, nicer places than here, the element of awesomite, benevolent blythe of hawtness, signal boost, write something you miserable fuck, procrastination, things that make you go hmmm

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