30 Days - Day #16: Random Randomness

Sep 05, 2013 13:01

Point form life:

- The Toronto International Film Festival officially kicks off today. Torontonians huddle in their abodes until the tsunami of celebrities, paparazzi, and crazed movie goers subsides a week from now. One of the local papers keeps going on and on about how Cumberbund Bandersnatch Benedict Cumberbatch is going to be in town, which is leading me to re-think my appreciation of said actor. When reporters are allowed to publicly crush on the object of their article I'm, like, suddenly done... *raises hands and backs away shaking head*

- This news item made me cackle like an irradiated supervillain: The Justice League of America is relocating to Moosonee. Apparently, it's just a story arc and eventually the JLA will return stateside, but the writer is Canadian and is very excited about moving the hero society to the Great White North. This also means that several adventures will take place in Toronto ;D

- I directed Mum to the Canadian Opera Company's website so that she could review the Fall/Winter season. She emailed me back saying that she had purchased tickets for Cosi Fan Tutti and Peter Grimes BACK-TO-BACK on the same weekend. So, it'll be All Opera, All The Time during the second weekend in October *facepalm*. Strangely, she didn't want to see La Boheme, so I'll probably have to scrape together my pennies to see that one solo.

- Hayao Miyazaki has officially retired from filmmaking. I weep at the possible loss of chittering tree spirits and walking houses.

- My company may or may not be working on concert graphics for an upcoming Lawrence Gowan performance at the Glenn Gould Studio o_O My inner teenager is deeply freaked out by this.

freaked out, stories from the far side, eyebrows of doom, linkity-link-link, bazinga!, strangeness, the universe is a hologram, the state of the blythe, youtube, music, video, fabulousity, comics, knock me over with a feather, squee-o-meter, parents, movie, the element of awesomite, dead celebrities aren't much fun, omgwtf, weirdness, interweb, superheroes, things that make you go hmmm, pop culture boulibase

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