Hey You, Undead Cretin! Hands Off My Baby!

Aug 10, 2013 10:50

A surreal beginning to the day: I woke up from a dream about a zombie infested world where the infected drooled yellow gunk, and the only world leader left alive was *sigh* the U.S. President who was Sally Field. I was driving around Parkdale in a Super Bee and losing time, finding myself in strange places or amongst a field of dead zombies (for realz this time). o_O

Now I'm trying to shake off the cobwebs while drinking coffee (needz moar coffeez) and watching MB's impressive commitment to White Man Dancing in the kitchen. Even the dog is scared...

I am not suitably prepped for this day yet. *slurp*

freaked out, stories from the far side, alternative paradigms, strangeness, wtf, the universe is a hologram, the mind is a terrible thing to taste, thinky stuff, the state of the blythe, weird dream, music, synap, this is why we can't have nice things, dreams, perception is illusion, lucky #7, weekend, dream, husband, orbit, crazy sh*t my husband says, write something you miserable fuck, nutbars, trinity-bellwoods park, zombies, things that make you go hmmm

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