Gift Story #5

Dec 17, 2012 09:49

This story was the first of the prompts that I finished waaaaay back in November, but because it's so unabashedly Christmas-y, I decided to hold off posting it until closer to the actual day. The prompt was from blackcat (btw, I don't know what your username is on AO3, if you have one, so if you let me know I can update the 'gift' status there), and she requested a Xmas scene between Hotch, Reid, and Jack (Criminal Minds).

This one is pretty cute, even by my standards, and there's nothing offensive in it. Thanks for playing, blackcat, enjoy your story!

Tannenbaum Bounty and the Scientific Method

Just a reminder that you can access all gift story links by clicking on the 'gift fic' tag :)

gift fic, criminal minds, linkity-link-link, writing, friends, fanfiction, write something you miserable fuck, fandom

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