What's Happening Here (Japanese animation addition)?

May 01, 2012 11:47

This is a teaser trailer for an animated show called After School Midnighters. The premise is that a school is ruled by a fearsome anatomy model by night. A trio of kindergarteners (really?!?) break into the school one night and discover this bizarre situation:

image Click to view

Okay, I have questions:
1. What the hell are "lay figures" and "flame specimens"?
2. Why is there an ELEPHANT'S HEAD where the anatomy model's genitals are supposed to be? What sort of reproductive fairytales are the Japanese perpetuating on their children?
3. What's with the dance numbers? (Though I gotta admit, not only do I find them scary, it may account for the "flame specimen" moniker)
4. I'm not sure how this qualfies as children's entertainment what with the dancing, maniacal, undead 'specimen', skinned bunnies, and B&E artist 6 year olds... the whole thing sends a really weird message to me.

japan, youtube, video, weirdness, wtf, animation, your shit is crazy

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