What The F*ck Is This Now?

Mar 13, 2012 14:29

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Jake Gyllenhaal as a serial killer in a music video. Where to begin?

A) It would qualify as ironic juxtaposition if the song were anywhere near as happy and shiny as Jake is maladjusted and brutal, B) Zero context equals zero interest, no matter how much blood and brooding you throw at it, C) Holy fuck, this song completely blows, D) Jake hates club kids. So do I, but JAKE REALLY HATES CLUB KIDS, E) I don't think that stabby therapy is having an appreciable effect on our boy..., and F) wow... I mean WOW, this song is awful.

Do you need something to cleanse your palette? Here have a red panda playing with a pumpkin. That'll make it aaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllll better:

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take your shirt off, wtf, youtube, music, musical tastes, the cuteness it burns, movie, your shit is crazy

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