Wait... WHAT?!? Umm, okay...

Oct 20, 2011 15:32

I took yesterday off because my long lost friend SF was in town from Montreal and I decided to spend the day with him.

We had a lovely, long lunch at the Queen Mother cafe, after which he asked me to help him buy a vibrator for his 20 year old girlfriend.


... which I did, because it takes more than shopping for female "appliances" to turn me off hanging out with my only friend from university.

I must say that vibrator technology has come a long way - we spent about 30 minutes test driving the various floor models (oh get yer head out of that filthy gutter this minute!) It was a tough decision for the lad. But, considering that he is 18 years older than his girlfriend, I think that additional help in the bedroom is a worthwhile investment. It is as close as he's ever gonna come *ahem* to admitting that sometimes the equipment doesn't want to co-operate like it did when he was younger.

A good time was had by all ;)

toys, sexy times, friends, oh get a room, awkwardness

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