Ninjas in the BATMAIL

Apr 12, 2011 13:04

The following is an actual texted conversation that I just had with MB.

MB: Got another 100% on my test

B: Aren't u a showoff

MB: Nope just a hard worker and it pays off

B: I know. I'm just messin' with ya

MB: So I am, Really am a total lazy ass with a super advanced brain, courtesy of my invisible bowler hat (Futurama reference)

B: That is so COOL!

MB: I know but you can't tell anyone. just like I won't tell anyone your BATMAN...look out for ninjas (morning conversation reference)

B: OK. The ninjas are appearing via email today...*stupid digital ninjas!*

MB: Holy bits and bytes Batman, time to use the BATMAIL filter it should take care of them

B: I forgot about BATMAIL! *Batman feelz tha dumb*

MB: That's why you have a sidekick

B: Awwww thx

Then he went on to lure me into doing the dishes when I get home with chocolate. Yes, Batman is a sap.

crazy sh*t my husband says, synap, weirdness, tv

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