So, what's this then? Free time? Nice to meet you...

Jan 18, 2011 15:35

Today's Accomplishment: Ermm... Achieving free time before 5p.m.? If yer not satisfied by that, I'll have to get back you about this one.

Work is still busy, just not any of the shows that I'm working on. I refuse to commit myself to others. That just gets messy, and, quite frankly, I can't be bothered to stretch myself this week.

Yesterday was pretty bloody cold and today, when I went outside bundled to the eyebrows, it was all melty and warm so the baristas at the local cafe took in my sartorial overkill splendor with a lot of tamped down smirking. Your welcome, coffee wenches; my embarrassment is for your pleasure *bows dramatically*.

MB informed me last night that it is TWO WEEKS until he starts school. HOLY FUCK! I asked him if he was freaking out and he looked at me like I was speaking Martian. Okay then, I'll freak out for you, honey. No prob. His part-time-job-that-is-the-current-job thing seems to be a go ahead, at least for now. This makes me want to lie down on the floor of my apartment and spend 8 hours thanking the mostly absent Supreme Entity for every stitch of good luck I've ever had. Unemployment really doesn't sit well with me at all.

I have a lot of ideas banging around in my head at the moment, which is sorta standard whenever I get too preoccupied with work, but I'm not sure that they'll be so urgent once I have some time to commit to them. I've been on this ride more than once, so I've gotta be a little more proactive about this whole process if it's gonna amount to anything.

MB and I finally finished CM Season 4, most of which I had already seen as cable reruns, but it had a lot of good episodes in it. It also had, you know, The Boston Reaper storyline which I'm still attempting to find as anything other than banal. A cursory perusal of the CM fandom indicates that the fans like Foyet, and yet I find him as compelling as rice pudding. The dude is just evil, but evil without variation or colour. What is the term for it? Oh yeah: the banality of evil -> something so bad as to be unexplainable, therefore, unengaging to the average person. Plus, after watching C. Thomas Howell refer to himself as a psychopathic "Pony Boy" in the special features section (LOL!), that's all I see now. Hurm.

The renovation moles are back, now vibrating the foundations every morning at 9a.m. for my sleeping pleasure. BUT, we have a new radiator! Nevermind that it took 4 weeks to arrive and that it's longer than the last one so it has totally fucked with my bedroom feng shui -> we have HEAT!

Finally, I had to share this as a person who withstands a lot when dealing with public transit. I actually don't think that this video is possible:

image Click to view

coffee, criminal minds, snow, work, youtube, state of the blythe, school, its not tha heat its tha hawt, synap, construction

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