A Hidden Place

Nov 24, 2010 17:19

I can't figure out how to import this ANY BIGGER (with pixelating it's ass) and I'm too tired to upload it somewhere else and link it to my blog. LJ's picture hosting leaves a lot to be desired. Just click on it twice, yo! Thank you M!

Anywherethehelldidthatcomefrom?!?, this is an art show and some of the art will be mine (like that tiger piece...). It has been wrangled into being by the crazed courageous faunalia along with much goading from minouette. Other artists include reynardin and Ron Caddigan. All terribly talented folks. My beloved, synap, will be supplying some tunage. The opening gala is a week from tomorrow, so if any of you are in the Toronto area, we'd love to see you. Please come.


I promise to be less grumpy than usual.

For those who are geographically inhibited, we will try to take decent photos and upload them in a slide show for all to gawk at.

psa, music, picture, synap, friends, art

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