Holy Fuck, LJ, Check Yerself Before You Wreck Yerself

Nov 12, 2010 10:20

I'm a faithful person. I have had an account on this site for many years now and I enjoy the dynamic. But, I gotta say, I have grudgingly noticed a clear decline in performance and services since it was sold to that Russian provider a while back.

Case in point: I have been trying to log on for 2 days using different IP addresses. This a.m. I finally succeeded only to discover that I can't upload photos (even teeny ones) at all. I hate the constant "tweaking" of service amenities (which I then have to go and turn off because they compromise my privacy online), the ever-evolving cosmetic changes which do absolutely nothing, and the endless stream of updates which then get reversed in a week's time due to user outrage.

Today when I logged on there was a notice of downtime this evening for maintenance -> right at prime blogging time for North Americans. But don't worry, european LJ-ers, it won't interrupt your schedule in the least >:/

Screw you, LJ... I wonder if Blogger wants my business...

asshole douchebaggery, rant, computer fall down go boom, fuck off

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