Today We VOTE

Oct 25, 2010 10:49

Today is voting day in Toronto. I encourage all of my local peeps to get your asses to the polling station NO MATTER WHAT! Our city is in trouble and it's up to us to make some tough decisions. None of the mayoral candidates are ideal but you've gotta work with the hand you are dealt.

As a tangential issue, those of us who have suffered live on Roncesvalles and have experienced the never-ending construction, loss of local businesses and other indignities - we have an opportunity to speak with our vote today. This video link was sent to me today via the landlord agency (of all people). It is a project by a local Roncy lady who is horrified by the cutting down of established mature trees on Roncesvalles as a part of the neighborhood redevelopment plan. Local incumbent, Gord Perks supports this (as well as the ongoing construction that has claimed so many small businesses on the strip), so think about that when you vote today and when you look at the trees in this video that we live with every day.

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election, friends, news

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