The stupidest thing that I've read so far. today.

Mar 30, 2010 11:39

I don't care how you tweak sudo-evolutionary scientific theory to prove that males are more susceptible to illness because they expend extra energy trying to attract mates, it still makes you look like you graduated in the bottom third of your class at university. Stop this and start doing real science. (Another thing that pisses me off is that many of the 'comments' on this story focus on how sexist the article's title is. Really? THAT'S what you find offensive here? Good thing that all of those commenters were born with penises otherwise they might have to face such common indecencies on a daily basis...)

This article was closely followed on the "DUH!" list by this article about how Toronto's transit system blows. OMFG. The TTC is now 90% unfunded (read: 10% tax dollars, 90% fare revenue, which means that its 100% funded by the public at large). Its a travesty and has been for years, and its also the root of several municipal hot button issues: labour unions, increased need for bike lanes, lost parking revenue due to uncollected fines, summer smog alerts and general pollution... The city's gotta stop crying every time we get funding cut at the provincial and federal levels, and just bite the bullet: privatization. Whether we spend BILLIONS now by switching over the system or spend BILLIONS over the next decade by patching up an inadequate system and paying for labour that doesn't earn its keep, we still end up at the same destination: BILLIONS spent. The question is what will we have received for our BILLIONS when all is said and done? How about an inner city LRT system and a weather-capable rail system for the outlying areas? How about non-fuel alternatives to our hideous buses? How about a 24hr system? How about a direct, permanent link between Pearson International Airport and the downtown? How about a comprehensive network of express routes during peak periods? How about we stop whingeing about our lot and waiting for a bailout, and instead take the bull by the horns and DEMAND THESE THINGS FROM THE PEOPLE THAT ARE VOTED INTO OFFICE TO ACT ON OUR BEHALF?

Part of the reason why I hate living in this city is because it takes me forever to get anywhere. If I can't walk there or if it takes longer than 1 hour to get there via TTC, I'd rather not go in the first place. And while there has been a lot of press recently about TTC staff f.u.b.a.r.s, I have always found TTC employees to be competent only 50% of the time (although this hasn't really changed much in the last 20 yrs., so at least they aren't getting much worse). The answer isn't more cars or throwing more money at a system nearly 30 years out of date. We need to face up and pay the bill already.

rant, science, ttc

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