Canadian, please!

Jul 01, 2009 11:26

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Happy Canada Day to my fellow hosers, and let's hope that it doesn't rain on the fireworks tonight *fingers crossed*.

Yesterday I went to get a haircut. I don't have a usual stylist so every trip is a bit of an adventure. This time I got Adam (whom I've never met before despite the fact that he's worked at the salon for 9 years). The usual, boring hair questions happened, followed by the boring personal info questions (got any holiday plans? day off from work today?). Then, suddenly and inexplicably, Adam's inner geek came out and things got a whole lot more interesting. It turns out that Adam is a tech geek and addicted to science lectures and podcasts. We talked about the Large Hadron Collider, carbon nanotubes for the Space Elevator, buddhism and Jill Bolte Taylor's stroke experiences. I was pleased to discover that I wasn't completely ignorant about ANY of these topics.

The discussion of stroke experiences led us to discuss human perception, the possibility of more than 3 dimensions and our inability to 'see' them, and reminded me of the latest book by Dr. Oliver Sacks Musicophilia in which he discusses the profound and fundamental effect music has on the human brain. NOVA featured an hour long documentary (broadcast last night) about 4 case studies from the book that show the amazing effects of music on severely damaged brains (a trailer can be found at but the full film isn't streaming yet. It IS available as a podcast, however - check it out, it was really fascinating).

All in all, it was the most enlightening, esoteric haircut that I've ever received. People usually disappoint me, so its extra wonderful when I come across one who surprises the hell outta me and makes me think at the same time. Up with geekery!

buddhism, geekery, nova, youtube, fabulousity, perception is illusion, canada day, dr. oliver sacks, science, hair

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