Put on yer best fuzzy slippers and get out TO VOTE!

Oct 14, 2008 11:08

Today is Election Day in Canada: time to choose more of the same or a new devil. Much like our American cousins, we don't have a lot of choice despite the showy display of 5 national parties (1 of which is only relevant to french-speaking Canadians, and 1 which is a newcomer and has no hopes of achieving a leadership position anytime soon). This being said, it is our duty to vote - we cannot complain that things never change if we refuse to participate. I think of the lack of voter turnout south of the border and become enraged. Dubya is an extreme example of what could happen to a mostly fine nation when people turn a blind eye and allow themselves to be led around by the nose like livestock: war, crippling debt, international polarization, and an ignored/failing economy. So much about government is out of the Average Joe's control - voting is one of the few opportunities to exercise your say in what happens to you, and you don't even have to earn it - just be of legal age, and a citizen. So, I vote every time that I'm given the opportunity, just in case, some day, someone decides that they don't need my voice, I'll be there to say "Hang on a minute! Did you re-write the Articles of Confederation while I slept? Where's my itty bitty voter's card, you schmucks?!" In spite of feeling like death warmed over, I'll put on my bathrobe and best slippers, and tottle down to the voter's station to cast my ballot today. Some things are just too important to let slide...

I survived Thanksgiving, though I was incapable of tasting the lovely meal that faunalia prepared thanks to crippling head congestion. She is so brilliant that she even convinced my green veg-hating brother and husband to eat modest amounts of chard, brussel sprouts, and broccoli! My hat is off to the woman. My sole contribution (besides germs) went over well, and MB tells me that the cheesecake was one of my best, which is a comfort. Interesting conversation was had, including both Canadian and American politics, pirates, zombies, the unfortunate death of 'cyberpunk', how to steal TV shows off the internet, death, food, Scottish beer and the benefits of iron consumption vs. rust consumption. Never a dull moment. So, snuggled in the unique and expansive loft of F. and R., with a warm breeze and a full moon, we passed another fine Thanksgiving with friends. That is something to be thankful for, no?

I have today off because of the Death Cold and voting, and it looks like the unseasonably warm and bright autumn that we've been enjoying may come to a sudden end with a violent storm, so it's back to bed and book for me, I guess.

election, friends, thanksgiving, sick

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