Still waiting on work...

May 12, 2008 13:23

If I don't get something to work on soon, I'm gonna start surfing YouTube and randomly emailing links to my friends. And that's all sorts of bad.

On the upside, I saw the new X-files movie trailer and had a little fangirl moment (albeit quitely) behind my desk. I also discovered that my favorite entertainment columnist (and all 'round sarcastic, irreverant, tattooed, BSG-loving, shoe-addicted babe) has started her own blog on the Toronto Star website (link: ). Now I'm seriously in trouble...

And, like a douchebag, I got all pre-emptory and bid early on an Ironman lot on eBay, and have been subsequently outbid with 1 hour to go. Now, I must decide how BIG of a geek I am and how much I actually want this stuff (it's a dilemma 'cause it's pretty cool).

Finally, here is a moving picture from the aftermath of the cyclone in Burma:

I have a soft spot for Buddha images to begin with but this one sums up the essence of Buddhism for me: serenity no matter what - we are no different from anything else on this planet and must face all challenges equally (although the Burmese junta is making survival a bit problematic at the moment).

x-files, ebay, buddha, burma, stargazing blog, ironman, bored

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