The vagaries of hobbit life

Jan 27, 2008 22:36

Another weekend down the tubes, and nothing to show for it but an eased cough and expanded cabin fever. I must remind myself that there's no one to blame but myself for my insular ways, but feeling ill has always made it easier to ignore outside life altogether. On the upside, I polished off another novel - now, onwards, back to the pile in the corner of my living many stories to read. Jane Austen asked once if it was healthy to read so many books. I wonder - can one ever read too many books? I feel guilty throwing myself so avidly into these other worlds, other people's lives. Shouldn't I be living my own instead? Shouldn't I be spending that time writing a book or illustrating one? Damn my procrastination!

The gollum attempted a little b&e on our apartment this evening. Apparently, there's a leak somewhere. She's approached me before about this (the Beard is regularly asked to replace her kitchen lightbulbs that blow out when the socket gets wet and blows a fuse). She's bound and determined that the leak comes from our hovel above hers - the implication being that we are somehow negligent in our H2O usage. At any rate, this time the ground floor tenant's kitchen ceiling is leaking and the gollum wanted to know where in our apartment (two floors up) the water was coming from. I didn't answer the phone when she called, so she just let herself in with the downstairs tenant in tow. grrrrrr.

I don't begrudge her the need to investigate her own property; it's more the sense that she believes that I'm being untruthful when I say that nothing is amiss. That, and I pay to live here. It's her building, but at present, the third floor is my home and I'm not fond of just letting anyone in. As it turns out, the leak is coming from her kitchen faucets (which makes more sense as her kitchen is directly above the leak in question) and she has decided to turn the building's water off until her dodgey plumber can come by tomorrow at midday. Regardless of the result of his visit, it won't prevent her from finding fault with us again the next time it rains and her damned kitchen fixture blows out. On the whole, she has been great this year and left us be, but she should get it through her thick skull that there is something wrong with her roof, not her tenants, and address the problem directly instead of doing these frequent and patchwork kinda repairs. After all, I fail to see how a ceaseless flow of water could be destroying her kitchen ceiling from our bedroom!

At any rate, there'll be no water tomorrow a.m. (joy), and I'll have to roll into work unwashed and cranky in the knowledge that I slept and read through my whole weekend. Who knows? Maybe I would've been cranky in any case...

In other news, I have heard from long lost AF who is currently in Pennsylvania. She is returning to Mexico tomorrow and claims that she and her on-again/off-again husband are doing wonderfully. *rolls eyes dramatically* She also says that she received a computer for Xmas and will be in more constant contact from now on. She has a page on Facebook too. Also, her husband has managed to buy a truck, so should I work up the nerve to travel south, she can now meet me at the airport instead of forcing me to find her via boat/bus/land rover and/or pack mule. good, 'cause ME on a pack mule ain't happenin', possums...

leaks, cranky, friends, sick, books, gollum

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