Why must I be tested? Why?

Dec 31, 2007 15:34

Infection Watch! continues....

I am feeling much better today, which is good because my doctor didn't return my phonecall for, like, 6 hours! Yesterday, the MB and I watched 3 movies my eyeballs nearly went square and I got a tremendous headache, which may have been unrelated.... I have watched more movies in the last week than I have in the past 6 months, I'm sure.

A brief rundown:
Stardust - not good but not painful. Claire Danes is wonderful in just about everything. It was OBVIOUS that huge chunks had been edited out (ie: what's with the ghosts?). Bob DeNiro as a homosexual pirate was probably the biggest casting mistake of the decade.

The Last Legion - you probably haven't heard of this film for good reason. The plot was hurried and sketchy (premise: Caesar's last blood decendant fled to Britannia and became King Arthur's father) and the characters were vague. Considering that it had Colin Firth (who looked embarrassed to be in every frame) and Ben Kingsley (don't FUCK with Gandi!) in it, I expected better. However, it was worth it just to witness the hottest woman on the planet kick every man's ass: Aishwarya Rai

The Kingdom - I resisted seeing this in the theaters because I think that Peter Berg is a bit of a boob as a director, but this was a powerful, dense narrative (even if the camera work made me nauseous) about an FBI investigation into a suicide bombing in an American oil worker encampment in Saudi Arabia. It reminded me of Syriana and Blackhawk Down in both its tone and its content. The dialogue was sharp and rapid, meaning that you had to stay focused from the get go or get hopelessly lost. The last 30 mins. are supposed to be the best but I was feeling ill so I only heard it - I'll have to see it again to get the full effect.

Eastern Promises - I FINALLY got to see this one and it was well worth the wait. OMG, Viggo is amazing - stunning to watch his coiled menace yearning to stretch out and strike in every moment that he's on screen. Vincent Cassel (one of my fav. french actors) is also wonderful as a weak-willed, totally unpredictable son of a Russian mobster. Naomi Watts is merely acceptable, but terribly thin - why won't someone feed that girl? Cronenberg's sense of atmosphere is reason enough to see it (I have since forgiven him for Crash).

Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End - okay, so I've seen this one before but who doesn't love Cap'n Jack? The surrealist salt flats sequence when Jack is trapped in the afterlife is so good, and so out of place in a Disney film, that it's worth allowing yer butt to get numb for the rest of the flick.

We also watched Panic Room, Spartan, Donnie Darko, and Trading Places from our own collection. Tonight we've rented moldy oldies Ladyhawke, The Princess and The Warrior, and The Wall in lieu of having a party. The first two are favorites that we want to see again, but The Wall is for my further education, as the MB was abhorred to discover that I've never seen it. *rolls eyes*

My doctor finally called me and gave me a new antibiotic prescription. Her comment was that the first 'scrip didn't work because it was the cheapest product available. In her words: if you go cheap, you often pay for it in the long run. WTF? Who's decision was it to prescribe me cheap meds in the first place?! All I said was that I'm not on a drug program, not that I can't afford meds! The price difference between the two pill types was a measely $15.00 - I was pissed at her but held my tongue. I got the 'scrip home and then discovered that they are horse-sized pills and cannot be chewed for some reason. Well, THAT'S a problem because I can't swallow pills whole let alone these monsters. The pharmacist said that I could cut them in half and use yogurt to swallow them, which still doesn't solve my pill swallowing dilemma one bit. *sigh* nothing is ever easy. why is that?

Finally, Happy New Year to all who read this entry. Another year behind us... best wishes and hopes for 2008 to all! Have a good night!

prescriptions, doctor, movies, sick, new year's eve

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