Oct 11, 2007 10:44
I woke up this a.m. in a Liberal-controlled province that overwhelmingly doesn't believe in electoral reform, which was the SAME state of being that I woke up in yesterday. It's almost like yesterday didn't happen at all. Go on about your business, nothing to see here...
Today is a beautiful, crisp autumn morning and while I was trying not to focus on how many people were rubbing up against my ass on the streetcar this morning, I got to see some wonderful Maxfield Parrish-esque clouds over the lake - all chunky and crested with sunshine that was peeking out through holes in the higher, darker ones. You gotta take yer moments of grace where you can find them.
As for Gustav Mahler, someone has taken it upon themselves to spray his name, unartistically, on every available surface between River and Parliament along King St. E. Since Mahler is deeply dead and an acquired taste to say the least, I'm unsure why someone feels the need to sound his Mahler 'yop' from the rooftops of my neighborhood. I don't think that Mahler would've found it amusing either. If it's some kind of insider, guerrilla art meme thing - I don't get it.
Finally, I am a superhero: I saved two people today on my way to work. I caught one lady and prevented her from doing an embarrassing streetcar faceplant when the car lurched forward unexpectedly. It was quite a feat as I was managing a cup of coffee, a scone, two bags and my iPod while trying to stand upright myself. She was grateful. The two big men standing beside her didn't move a muscle to help her (or me). Chivalry is indeed dead.
The second lifesaving event was more dramatic: I was waiting for the streetcar on Queen St. when one showed up and stopped. The woman in front of me stepped out into the street to board (I don't know if she saw the SUV or not) and an SUV sped up to pass the streetcar before the doors opened and people got out (even though it's illegal to pass a stopped streetcar period). The driver saw her but didn't slow down, and since I didn't want blood and brains on my leather coat, I grabbed the lady by the shoulder and yanked her backward so hard that she fell onto the sidewalk on her back (oops!). The SUV driver didn't stop. The lady was okay but shocked - perhaps she'll watch oncoming traffic more warily in future: Batman, err, I mean Blythechild can't be everywhere.
I want a neat-o costume and bitch boots....
gustav mahler,
guerrilla art