wow. I mean, wow....

Oct 05, 2007 16:55

My boss took me into the boardroom today for 'a chat' because it was slow today. She wanted to make sure that I was happy with the job and working for her company - she seemed concerned about it. I told her flat out that THIS is the best job that I've had - E.V.E.R. This perked her up considerably (and, for once, I wasn't lying through my teeth about my job satisfaction). She then told me that she was a little astonished at the rate that I was picking up stuff, and that she couldn't wait for me to start going out on shows because I showed a certain 'client poise' that her other operators don't have (I think that she was talking about MR here).

Then, she gave me a whooping raise. *blinks in wonderment* I've been working for her for less than 7 weeks. She wants to get me motoring on Photoshop now because she needs more designers to handle all of the creative end of the assignments. *still blinking*

I really never thought that I'd find anything that I was good at (that could ALSO pay the bills). Knowing that you have a unique combination of skills and that those qualities are in demand is almost better than sex. wow.

Anyway - moving on: this week's fridayfiver

1. What's your favorite cereal? I'm a big fan of Cheerios and Rice Krispies, but my favorite breakfast thing is yogurt with granola in it.

2. What is too gross to eat in the morning? Pasta or cold pizza. And fish - no fish.

3. What time do you go to bed? I try to get there by 11p.m., but on the weekend I'm usually up 'til 1a.m. or 2a.m.

4. Where do you put your keys? Up my ass - what kind of a question is that?! In my purse, ya moron.

5. What vegetables do you love? Sooooooo tuff to choose: artichokes, asparagus, brussel sprouts, radishes (which also LOOK cool), beans, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, peppers, fiddleheads, bean sprouts, cabbage, yams, potatoes - basically, I like veggies.

boss, meme, work, food

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