Do the Zombie Math

Jun 09, 2007 20:14

62%Mingle2 - Free Online Dating

I took this quiz again, this time in a slightly LESS generous mood, and discovered that I'm more of a survivor than I thought.

zombies, quiz

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draycevixen June 10 2007, 03:18:28 UTC
I managed a measly 67%


blythechild June 10 2007, 13:58:33 UTC
if sarcasm was a weapon against zombies, the Vixen would be the Queen of our new colony of zombie apocolypse survivors!


draycevixen June 10 2007, 14:11:00 UTC
LOL -- you're right of course, but only IF the rest of my family didn't survive the Apocolypse. In *my* family I'm the quiet, naive, non-funny, shy, warm and fuzzy one... and people ask me why I don't breed!

Actually my "measly" was in response to Oom's brother getting 82%!


blythechild June 10 2007, 14:14:18 UTC
yeah, he's either a show-off or a sociopath....


ccb_love June 10 2007, 15:09:00 UTC
Both. He's also considered one of the compassionate ones in my family.


blythechild June 10 2007, 17:22:12 UTC
Christ! It's starting to sound like you and Drayce were raised by WOLVES or something!


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