I'm so tired, and here's why....

Jun 04, 2007 18:30

On Sat. I sold my butt off and was completely exhausted. But Sun. wasn't much better ( Read more... )

family, money, party

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Comments 12

vveritasv June 5 2007, 02:51:32 UTC
Oh, yes, I am really looking forward to the art...but don't whack yourself over the head about it. Post when you can. Just think of all the anticipation and eagerness you are building up in your audience!


blythechild June 5 2007, 22:46:09 UTC
thanks. I'm just really eager to post stuff and rl is getting in the way! it's frustrating.....


minouette June 5 2007, 14:30:42 UTC
Wow. Quite the tale. Your Dad! What a yahoo. Hasn't he learned to drive a little more carefully yet. One has to expect the worst from drivers of SUVs. How did someone with such shoe expertise end up with such shoe pain? I glad your grandmother got to enjoy her party.

Good luck with the job interview.

You know, if the financial situation is ever dire, it's okay to ask your friends for help.


blythechild June 5 2007, 22:56:43 UTC
DUDE! Did you just call my Dad a YAHOO?!? seriously, I'm gonna tell him that you said that, and then yer gonna be in troooo-uble.

The shoe thing was a dual result of BRAND NEW SHOES and swollen feet (due to humidity). It happens.

Keep yer fingers crossed re: interview, or rub a lucky rabbit's foot or something.... I appreciate your offer of help, but I'm proud and prefer to keep money and friends totally separate - it's easier and you don't get into stupid "lifestyle" fights over it. ya know?


minouette June 5 2007, 23:04:19 UTC
I did call him a yahoo. I recall that he nearly ran over a certain Mr. M the English teacher on the Bloor viaduct. I'm not scared of the O'B clan.

I will think of you at your interview tomorrow. *fingers crossed*

Good policy: "neither a borrower nor lender be" (& I agree), but you know, if say, it's serious, I would hope you'd ask rather than starve. That's all.


blythechild June 5 2007, 23:14:41 UTC
thank you - I appreciate that.

EVERYBODY'S afraid of the O'B clan. they just don't know it yet.....


draycevixen June 5 2007, 17:44:51 UTC
I too, am anticipating the artwork, but in your own good time.

It is difficult to be creative when completely stressed out.

Peace and Joy,


blythechild June 5 2007, 22:49:07 UTC
yep, things are tuff all over. however, I find that the creative and the stress are flip sides of the same coin, so I should just stop moping about things and just get ON WITH IT!

btw, yer icon is making me feel....penetrated, somehow.


draycevixen June 5 2007, 22:55:55 UTC
In a *bad* way? *snerk*


blythechild June 5 2007, 22:58:29 UTC
well, no, but it's still kinda dirty.....


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