Where is my muse? Where is that f**king trollop?!

Apr 18, 2007 19:45

Frustration is setting in as I struggle, in vain, to complete "M.M". It's just awful - it's wordy, clumsy, and absolutely neverending. No one will like it. People will throw things. I want to throw things! I've been at it for over a week and I can't make it coalesce.

I will be punished with knives, I know it.

I am also deeply frustrated with Facebook. My brother emailed me to say that he's on it and added me as a friend. Granted that I didn't latch onto lj right away, but I find doing things on FB ass-backward. It took me 20 minutes to find my brother's profile. I might just delete my page as BobbyD did b/c I don't use it and I emphatically don't GET IT.

On the upside, I received both a new Batman statue AND my one-of-a-kind JLA modified V figure in the mail today (he looks like he's spent the last 20 years at Gold's Gym instead of planned revolution underground *buff!*).

On the downside, my dad called and said that grandma in having a risky surgery on Monday to open up one of her central arteries in order to increase blood flow to her legs and fix the gangrene that is taking over her feet. Grandma's 90 and the doctor's don't know if she'll pull through (it was either this or amputation), so dad told me to call her and "say whatever you have to say to her, just in case.". What do you say to someone whom you might not see again without making them freak out about their own mortality? Grandma stopped me before I started and just said: "Just think of me, dear.". It's one of the only times that I couldn't think of something supportive to say.....

toys, family

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