…The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out.” ~ Ray Bradbury
Wow, so it’s been an entire month since I’ve done a Monday Update post - during that month, there’s been
a trip to Mexico, followed by me coming home and getting sick, while trying to pull off my day job work with lots of over time hours. I haven’t really had the spoons to be able to think about doing any thing else, including running (though I’ve done some strength training with my personal trainer).
Despite that, I managed to polish off the Letter Box poetry chapbook and submit it (accomplished on the very last day to submit, but I did it), and inquired about the few submissions I have out. Since I still haven’t heard a response, I’m going to call them rejected and send them elsewhere.
The really, really good news is that the The 2013 Rhysling Anthology
, which includes my poem “Red Riding Hood Remembers” is now available and you can go buy and read it and stuff. (^_^)
That which must be accomplished in the coming week:
- Finish second half of Chapter Six of Under the Midday Moon
- Submit something (poem, story, whatever)
- Workout at least three days with two workouts being running training (0/3)
- Do three morning yoga workouts (0/3)
- Practice my Spanish
- Get stenciling done on art project for niece’s bedroom
- Make Progress on Organization (do one or more of the following):
• Find a minimum of ten items (big or small) that can be gotten rid of and get rid of them
• Take all items to donate to Goodwill
Originally published at
AndreaBlythe.com. You can comment here or