“We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled….

Aug 12, 2013 07:56

…The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out.” ~ Ray Bradbury

Wow, so it’s been an entire month since I’ve done a Monday Update post - during that month, there’s been a trip to Mexico, followed by me coming home and getting sick, while trying to pull off my day job work with lots of over time hours. I haven’t really had the spoons to be able to think about doing any thing else, including running (though I’ve done some strength training with my personal trainer).

Despite that, I managed to polish off the Letter Box poetry chapbook and submit it (accomplished on the very last day to submit, but I did it), and inquired about the few submissions I have out. Since I still haven’t heard a response, I’m going to call them rejected and send them elsewhere.

The really, really good news is that the The 2013 Rhysling Anthology, which includes my poem “Red Riding Hood Remembers” is now available and you can go buy and read it and stuff. (^_^)

That which must be accomplished in the coming week:
- Finish second half of Chapter Six of Under the Midday Moon
- Submit something (poem, story, whatever)
- Workout at least three days with two workouts being running training (0/3)
- Do three morning yoga workouts (0/3)
- Practice my Spanish
- Get stenciling done on art project for niece’s bedroom

- Make Progress on Organization (do one or more of the following):
• Find a minimum of ten items (big or small) that can be gotten rid of and get rid of them
• Take all items to donate to Goodwill

Originally published at AndreaBlythe.com. You can comment here or there.

goals, weekly update

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