Being a bit o' this and that at the beginning or end of one week or another

May 06, 2013 22:03

A Brief Aside, or, There's This Cool Thing on the Web (not the sticky, stringy thing in the corners, but the electronic aether upon which you are reading this): Liz Argall posted a delightful blog post, "Jealousing is the new writing exercise":

When I get professionally jealous it’s often an exciting thing. “Wow! I never thought of doing that, that’s amazing!” But excitement can turn into sad feelings… “I don’t know if I’ll ever be awesome, eloquent and organized enough to use a moment in front of doorknockers to do the sort of tight exposition, character development and micro-tension that’s now sucking me through this book.”

Fortunately these moments of wonder/jealousy/despair are the perfect place to find a writing exercise.

The post is worth a read over just for her fun facial expressions alone, and the exercise looks like quite a bit of fun, and I'm definitely going to have to give it a go.

Last Week in Writing: I received one rejection and visited an open mic. Yay!

I also finished up the last of the Napowrimo challenge, which required me to write 15 poems over the course of Monday and Tuesday. Another yay!

I did not, however, submit anything or work on my novel. And I have no excuse for this. Boo!

Last Week in Exercise: All three required workouts done and one yoga morning (sort of) completed. Though the run on Saturday was Rough McGruff. I made the mistake of going in the middle of the day and it was too hot and too dusty on the trail. It also didn't help that I didn't have any water with me. I will have to remember to start earlier in the morning during the rest of the summer.

Last Week in Other Stuff That Needed Doing: I bought envelopes and some other tools to help me with the filing process, but did not actually start the filing process. Still, baby steps.

That which must be accomplished in the coming week (which looks a lot like last week, but isn't):
- Finish Chapter Three of Under the Midday Moon
- Submit something (poetry, fiction, whatever)
- Workout at least three days with two workouts being running training (1/3)
- Do three yoga workouts, three sun salutations min. (0/3)
- Sort paperwork out by year for filing
- Either purchase new a new filing cabinet(s), and/or buy folders/large envelopes, and/or go through the process of sorting and putting everything in its place

PS. As I've  been writing this I've completed the draft of a new poem (408 words!), which I will probably submit somewhere this week. I'm tempted to do so now, like RIGHT NOW, but am forcing myself to wait until I've let it rest a day and can give it a fresh read through.

Cross-posted to my website. You are welcome to comment either here or there.

writing process, writing prompts, weekly update, links, writing advice

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