That which hath been accomplished...

Apr 22, 2013 12:12

In writing: I submitted a couple of poems/flash pieces to Nano Fiction and wrote four new poems for Napowrimo. One of the poems you can read here.

I spent a considerable amount of energy avoiding writing Chapter Three. Once, I even had the laptop out and in front of me with the blank page open, so, I, uh, started fleshing out the outline a bit more. Sometimes I just need to get a hold of the big picture in order to be able to focus on the specifics of a scene. I start to get annoyed if I don't know what to write and verge off into generalities, rather than get to the heart of the scene. It feels all wrong as I'm writing, and while I know sometimes it's best to just soldier through, it can be frustrating to put work down on a scene that you know you're probably going to have to rewrite from scratch later. At any rate, I hope the outlining will help me with getting Chapter Three done this week.

Edited to add: I just saw whipchick's mapping post on triggers, which notes how the triggering event is what really get the story started. Perfect right now, since I think (part of) the reason why I've been stuck on the opening chapters is that I've been burying the triggers a bit. Will have to think about moving them forward to get some more action going.

In exercise: It was a very good week. Did a run on Monday (which went very well), did an excellent workout with my trainer on Wednesday, another run on Thursday (which didn't go as well - in fact, it was a bit rough), and did a four mile hike on Saturday with my sister, niece, and mom (which involved lots of hills and felt great). So, I'd say I accomplished my goal with flying colors.

In other important stuff: State taxes did not get done, which is very, very bad of me. I must accomplish them this week. MUST.

I think the filing thing is kind of a spin off of the taxes thing. It would be fantastico, if I could get more organized in that regard and I keep saying I will and then, um, not. If I even just do some baby steps this week, that would be awesome.

That which must be accomplished in the coming week:
- Get California taxes done (must happen)
- Begin Chapter Three of Under the Midday Moon (write a minimum of 1,000 words and hopefully finish)
- Submit something (poetry, fiction, whatever)
- Finish at least a handful of Napowrimo poems
- Walk/Run at least three days at least 2 miles each day (2/3 + workout)
- Sort paperwork out by year for filing
- Either purchase new a new filing cabinet(s), and/or buy folders/large envelopes, and/or go through the process of sorting and putting everything in its place

Cross-posted to my website. You are welcome to comment either here or there.

untitled werewolf novel, writing process, weekly update

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