1. I bought myself an iPhone 4S! and... and it's sucking up all my time! lol. Seriously, though, I can barely put it down. So many shiny apps to play with, and a speaker that actually works, and conversations with Siri. I am most amused.
It occurred to me (and I'm sure that I'm not the first to think this), that at the rate all this technology is progressing, we are well on our way to living science fiction. I mean our children will grow up with tablets similar to what I remember seeing in Star Trek TNG -- one little one-and-a-half-year-old girl I know easily uses an iPhone, no problem. And I've seen stories that show how
bionics and cybernetics are advancing to the point that we may actually be able to call people cyborgs at some point.
All of which I find very cool.
2. I'm off to Orlando, Florida tonight for a work trip. I'll be spending three days at a conference doing networky type stuff, plus I'll get two days to loaf around and I'm staying (courtesy of my work) at a really nice resort hotel. Woohoo!
My flight tonight is a red eye, and I'll be arriving at 6 am tomorrow, so I plan to lounge around the pool, drink cocktails, read, and play on my iPhone. That's assuming there's sun, and it's not raining like the forecast says it will. I actually wouldn't mind if it rained. It will be warm tropical rain, which I love, so I can still be lazy and enjoy the weather, just in a different way.
Sunday, I'm planning on heading over to Epcot. I'll be on my lonesome for this, so there will be much standing around feeling awkward, though I'm sure it will also be fantastically fun. I've never been to Epcot and I've heard that most people love it, and maybe with the rain it won't be too crowded...? Probably wishful thinking.
Anyhow. Lots of joyful shiny this week.
Here's hoping you all have a lovely weekend. (^_^)