Oct 22, 2011 11:05

Last night I rented Paranormal Activity 2, so my brother could catch up on the series and we could go watch the third tonight.

Through the whole movie, I kept waiting for one scene in Paranormal 2, THE one scene that made me scream out loud when I saw it in the theaters. I kept waiting and waiting.

Then at a certain point, I realized the scene wasn't there. I even scanned through the scene selection to make sure we hadn't accidentally skipped over it, but no. The scene was just not on the DVD at all.

What. The. Frack.

Apparently this is something movie distribution companies are doing these days. They want people to buy BlueRay, so they leave certain extras off of the DVD and put them on BlueRay only. Okay, fine -- to a certain extent.

I can understand that companies might leave the interviews, bloopers, and extras for the BlueRay only. It's annoying, but I don't have a huge problem with that.

But to edit out a middle chunk of a movie in order to direct sales is suck a flipping rip-off. I'm pissed, because anyone who buys the DVD is going to be expecting, at the very least, to be getting a complete theatrical version of the movie. They paid to get just that. . . . . and now?

Now they might get some edited down sub-version of the movie. Now they get a piece of crap (regardless of whether the movie was originally a piece of crap).

Now I'm starting to use my angry shouty voice, which is not pretty, so I'll just stop here. Oy.


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