The premier issue of
Cats with Thumbs is now available online as a downloadable pdf (there are a bunch of blank pages at the beginning, just scroll past them to get to the writing). It includes two of my poems, "Nature's Mandala" and "All That is Left Behind." This is really a great first issue, and I've been enjoying reading the work of the other writers within.
Under Poetry, I particularly enjoyed "Planet Pomegranate" by Angie Werren, "The Best Have No Time for It" by Therese L. Broderick, and "Selection" by Timothy Edge. (I haven't had a chance to read through the Fiction yet, so can't comment.)
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In terms of weekly writing progress, I'm still a bit behind. It doesn't help that my computer has crapped out on my, trapping some of my writing within the confines of its plastic body, and relegating my to the traditional pen and pencil route.
Though if I'm going to be perfectly honest with myself, I cannot blame the computer but my own lack of motivation. I'm desperately trying not to fall back into an old pattern here. By which I mean, I find an anthology market that I would love to submit to, come up with a story that would work for that market, and then allow myself to work at such a slow pace that I miss the deadline.
I think this tendency comes from some sort of fear of failure, such as "if I don't finish the story, then I don't have to deal with the disappointment of its inevitable rejection," which I know is completely ridiculous. One, because nothing is inevitable, and two, because I really do think the story could work and could have potential, if I just force myself to write the damned thing. It's that whole failing before I even begin bull shit, which I'm tired of repeating.
So, that said, since the deadline is looming (only 13 days away), my main goal this week is to get the damn thing written and edited (computer or no computer), so that I can submit it next week.
The only other things I need to do are get my taxes done and get my collab channel video completed (so that my channel partners don't yell at me).