Monday Update

Nov 16, 2009 15:42

This was an especially slow week for me in terms of getting things done. It's something that happens when I set (too?) many goals for myself. I get to the point where I start to burn out, so I take in mental breaks. The problem with that is when those mental breaks turn into day long marathons of watching The Guild online. (It's really good and make me want to play World of Warcraft, something I've never done before. I'm glad I don't have the money or time to spend. Heh.)

I did get two walking/running days in, and while I'm still over 6,000 words behind, I made some significant progress on my Nano novel, passing the 20,000 word marker. So the week was not a total loss.

Things I MUST do this week:
-- do my 3-4 marathon training days
-- write 1,667 words/day or 11,700 words total for the week on my Nano novel
-- complete this week's therealljidol entry (Back to must so that I don't use up all my Byes)

Things I HOPE to do this week:
-- complete this week's brigits_flame entry (I'm out of the competition, so this is no longer a must. *shrug*)
-- post a new youtube video (probably not going to happen)
-- prepare and send out a poetry submission (may happen)
-- do a sketch or two and/or get animation art pages done (could happen)
-- compile movie listings for zombie site (highly unlikely to happen)
-- do morning poetry/journaling (0/7 days completed) (can't find my journal so may not happen)

goals, weekly update

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