I find myself currently in a state of great exhaustion. I had the unfortunate pleasure of receiving a summons on Saturday. I'm being sued for a car accident that happened two years ago (falling just inside the statute of limitations). Fortunately my insurance company is taking car of everything, so I don't have to worry about it per se, but it's still hit me with a high level of stress.
On top of that there is currently high levels of unmentionable drama occurring in my family life. *sigh*
The good news is that I completed most of last weeks Musts. I only fell short by one walking day and 1,000 words on my Nano novel. I'm at 12,372 for Nano, and I wrote the two contest entries I intended to write. I consider this a great personal accomplishment all and all, especially considering that that took many late, late nights for me to achieve.
i'll be kicking off the week with a long, long relaxing walk tonight. This walk will include much venting between my two sisters, my mother, and I. I look forward to this. After that I plan to get my rear home and get some more words on the page, because tired or not, it must be done.
Things I MUST do this week:
-- do my 3-4 marathon training days
-- write 1,667 words/day or 11,700 words total for the week on my Nano novel
-- complete this week's
brigits_flame entry (using excerpts from my Nano novel)
Things I HOPE to do this week:
-- complete this week's
therealljidol entry (Moved to a hope to, because I can take a BYE if I'm not up to it.)
-- post a new youtube video (probably not going to happen)
-- prepare and send out a poetry submission (may happen)
-- do a sketch or two and/or get animation art pages done (could happen)
-- compile movie listings for zombie site (highly unlikely to happen)
-- do morning poetry/journaling (0/7 days completed) (can't find my journal so may not happen)