Hawaii and Solo Travel Fears

Sep 01, 2009 17:03

 In less than 13 days I'm going to be in Hawaii. While there is excitement at this prospect, there is also a certain amount of fear, because this is (to my memory) the first time I've traveled solo, as in, it 100% up to me how I'm going to spend my days. I have always had someone who traveled with me, or someone I knew at the destination who would keep me entertained. Even for my trip to Ireland last year, my schedule was mostly filled and organized by the corporation I was writing an article on.

In Hawaii, I will have three of the seven days to fill on my own, and I'm finding myself a little uneasy of facing the prospect of filling those days. I have in the past become daunted by the empty hours to fill in front of me. Instead of enjoying the time I meant to explore, I would wrap up my day quickly and head back to the safety of the hotel room, where contained I can watch TV or read a book, neither presenting a true concept of travel for me. I don't want to do that this trip.

There are several aspects to this fear of empty hours during solo travel:
  • I won't have anyone to talk to. Completely silly, since I'll be staying in a hostel and I'm perfectly capable of starting a polite conversation.
  • I will be bored. Possible. This is partly was contributed to the experience I mentioned above, but would be entirely my own fault.
  • I have an irrational fear that everyone is watching me wandering alone and viewing me as a freak or easy target, to the point where As though there's this great big outside eye watching me and judging everything I do. Like I said, irrational. 

One solution to the empty hours is to thoroughly plan my trip, so that every minute is accounted for. I have not done this for my trip to Hawaii. In fact, I've never been a detailed trip planner, but having a buddy often relieves this burden in that you can bounce ideas off each other and allow for spontaneity.

I still can't bring myself to create a detailed plan of my trip. Instead I have a rough outline of my days, knowing I will hit certain points here and there. The one thing I did do, which helps me a lot with this, was create my Musts List, which are the things I must do in order to make my trip complete. For Hawaii, my Musts are: 1. To see the lava flow, and 2. To swim in a waterfall pool. If I can do these two things, then whatever else happens, I know I will have had a great trip (taking into account of course that plans change).

Certainly, articles like such as 6 Reasons to Wander Alone also help in assuaging my fears, reminding me of all the potential joys of solo travel. Besides, a step toward living my dream of being a savvy world traveler is to just go ahead and step out my own front door.

Have you ever get uneasy traveling alone? What do you do when you face the uncertainties of solo travel?

[x-posted to my Matador Travel blog]

hawaii, travel, lists, links

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