As soon as I heard that there was supposed to be a zombie pub crawl in my local area last night, I knew I had to be there. I was so excited at the prospect of seeing zombies out in the wild. It took a while to track them down, however, and in the end only two zombies were spotted. I had hoped to see more, but I suppose that if I had come dressed in zombie attire, there would have been more. Next time, I suppose. (I get shy about dressing up in costume alone. I would totally be down if a few friends were willing to get costumed with me. Hint. Hint.)
I was able to get evidence of the zombie sighting in the form of a photograph.
She seemed a little embarrassed about being asked for a photo op, but was gracious enough to pose with me. (Her sign reads: "Is it necrophilia if you're both dead?") Though, by the snarl on her face, there's always the slight chance that she might be thinking of eating my brains, or something. Though maybe not.
The zombie crawl was held as part of a book reading/signing event for Breathers: A Zombie Lament, which is about a Adam, who joins a group called Undead Anonomous to help him cope with the challenges of living life as the recently deceased. It's described as a romantic zombie comedy, which just sounds awesome from the get go. (I'll have to post a book review up here once I'm done reading it.)
The author S.G. Browne read from his book, answered some questions, and then signed books. Browne is an excellent reader, and I laughed out loud at some of the passages he read. He was also very easy to approach when signing the book, which is a good thing for me, because I always feel so awkward when I go to have a book signed. I don't know why. But he seemed a very easy going guy and was easy to chat with. I suggest going to
his webpage to check out his book, if you are at all interested. It should prove a good read.
Then I wandered off with my girls (who were so wonderfully kind as to attend this with me *grin*) and we went back to Rosie McCann's to get some dinner, and then dance the night away. A great evening all around.