Really Aggravated Rant & Poll about my stories....

Sep 30, 2011 01:42

Had a very frustrating week. Yes, bad enough to use bold text. I am writing, just slower then I had planned on.

Now, I just really need to get something off my chest and I didn't feel like doing it on Tumblr 'cause Tumblr's supposed to be for fun silly stuff.

My grandmother (My mom and I live in her house) gave me an ultimatum about my cleaning out my bedroom, "before she just throws it all out the window", so I've been more focused on trying to get it looking more presentable over doing anything else.

My 21 year old cousin (who moved into - and proceeded to redo with her father's money - our very spacious, basement studio apartment in January) apparently told my grandmother that my room resembles an episode of Hoarders. So now, my grandmother is convinced I have things growing in here or something.

Quite possibly the biggest exaggeration ever known to man BTW.

I'll be the first person to point out that my room isn't the neatest (mostly because it's not that big of a room to begin with - when compared to the 2 bedroom I lived in for 4 years) - but it's also NOT dirty. It's more highly organized chaos. And is the result of living in an apartment on my own (ie: everything in it was mine) for 4 out of 5 years of college, moving back in May of 2006 (rather then into my own place) 'cause rent on Long Island is ridiculous and then being informed that my stuff goes in my room and no where else in the house.

Now, thankfully the college apartment came furnished so I didn't have to drag all that back with me...but since I have no desire to throw out [expensive] useful things that I spent my own hard earned money on and will need to replace eventually if thrown out (flatware, pots & pans, bedding, rugs) they are all neatly wrapped and packaged in boxes that are stacked in the corner of my bedroom. Now, I'd just, logically, go and put it all into the garage (where I wasn't allowed to put stuff when I first moved home and didn't feel like dealing with the argument that would have turned into) except that Kristine has filled up said garage with the things she owns that don't "fit" in her "new place".

Yes, I am super pissed off about this whole situation. I've been trying to re-do the apartment, even offered to pay for the new carpeting and paint myself (the washing machine flooded a few months before I graduated and we had to rip up the carpet and never replaced it), since my last spring break of college. I knew I was moving home and knew I had a lot of "crap" but was informed, "There's no need for that, you've got your bedroom upstairs and besides, there's no heat down there."  Yet, when Kristine shows up, after being kicked out of her mother's house because she smokes pot in the house, was in rehab before she was 19 and is the most disrespectful (borderline sociopathic - my Mom will tell you with a straight face, "I don't think she has a conscience") person alive, my grandmother just smiles brightly and tells her she can live with us and move into the basement.

Everything she does gets forgiven instantly by my grandmother because, "Kristine has a 3.8 GPA and is going to get a nursing degree." Reality check: Kristine has a 3.8 GPA from our local community college and is in for a slap in the face of life when she realizes that nursing students get drug tested. Meanwhile, I get shit on daily because I "was stupid" and majored in Communications and when the economy went to shit the festival production company I was working for folded and I got laid off (and now have been looking for ANY job for the last 3 years...cept retail won't hire me 'cause I'm "over qualified" and they don't want to pay me and any jobs I could get are hiring people with Master's who can't get jobs at THEIR level and paying them less then they should be).

Please note - Kristine lost her job about a year after I did. Her job was as a shift lead at Urban Outfitters. Kristine lost her job 'cause she just started not showing up (and we think, probably, knowing her track record - stealing).

So, it boils down to - the GOOD granddaughter, who has a Bachelor's degree and lost her job due to the current state of the US economy and job market, that only drinks an occasional glass of wine or a beer (and yea, okay, maybe like twice a year smokes weed) is stuck in her childhood bedroom and is getting constantly bitched at over the fact that there's barely any room to walk in said room because of her adult belongings having no where else to go. Meanwhile, the granddaughter who smokes weed 3 times a day in the house or, at the very least, in the backyard, gets to overturn our entire bloody existence by taking over the basement and the garage with all of her things and no one says boo to her.

That's without even getting into the fact that when I was 21 if I had ever let my boyfriend even walk into my bedroom with the door open I'd have to listen to a lecture of "appropriate behavior befitting a lady"...but Kristine's boyfriend (who, I have to admit, we actually like and don't understand why he's with her) spends the night 3 or 4 times a week. His staying over, also triggers the, "So Bridget, when are you getting married and having kids. You know when I was your age I already had all 3 of my children. You better do something about that before no one wants you."

This probably stopped making sense 4 paragraphs ago but I'm livid tonight over it.
Now, onto the stories - which is why most of you follow my LJ anyway and I totally get you could care less about anything else I just wrote.

Like I said in the first sentence, I am's just I've got so much other shit going on at this very second that it's taking a bit longer. So, that being said - is there anything anyone'd specifically like updated sooner:

Poll Story Updating Process

poll, real life

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