Totally Random Ranting - Glee shit

Sep 16, 2011 21:47

I normally avoid reading anything spoiler related - mostly 'cause I never know if it's BS or not...and then I stumble across a few EW articles that contain spoilers that made me vomit in my mouth a little bit.

Quinn with pink hair, smoking cigarettes and never going to sing again...YEA OKAY. Gee...why don't they just stamp a big ol sign on her and say "We're gonna dirty her up so that we can force Quick down everyone's throats no matter how horrible they work"

Sugar. Nuff said. Ironically, I actually adore Vanessa Lengies. Roxanne was the shit on American Dreams. But do we really need more new characters on a show that's already having a hard enough time giving legitimate storylines to characters that have been around since episode 1? If I was Jenna, Harry, Mark, (Chord!), see where I'm going with this...I'd be in the writers room with my agent and a copy of my damned contract. But I guess if you aren't connected to the Finchel or Klaine storylines (and I love Darren, I do, I just resent the hell out of his screentime lately) you don't actually exist.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - I really want to sit RIB down with a relationship councilor and figure out WTF their issues are that they think Finchel is a healthy relationship. I get that they're in High School (and that at it's core it's a silly tv show) - but SHIT, I had teachers that would poke their noses into that kind of shit if they saw a guy treating a girl the way Finn treats...well, everyone. Admittedly, we also paid 20k a year to go to my HS sooo, the teachers were paid to actually give a shit.

But all this really boils down to one thing - the writers don't know what the FUCK they're doing and every time I see/read/hear something new about Season 3 I am closer and closer to just reading fanfic from here on out.


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