Nov 07, 2005 10:24
so potty trainng begins. (bunny) jax is doing wonderfully.loooove him, falling in love with him. got him a real cage last week and this week a litter box. honestly i am holding little faith in thiswhole litter box thing. thelitter looks like food pellets. hich in some ways is good if itworks (wont get stuck in his fur)
he seems like two different bunnies though. here i take his cage out put him on the bedand openthe door. he stays on the bed no jumping to the floor nothing andhehas started i believe going in his cage to poop cause he hasnt pooped on the bed the last few times ive put his cage out too (its a bitch to keep moving the cage though.) but he jumps in and outof the cage and enjoys it. seems totally content. at gregs though he wants OUT OUT OUT and he LOOOOVES getting on the floor and runnnning and jumping and bieng cutely insane and hes totally happy and content. i have yetto let him loose on my floor here at school. i needto clean first i dont want dumb loose shit on the floor when hes down there. ill probably clean tonight and let him on the floor to see what he does, he will probably like it.
he definitly has started coming to me for attention and loving. very sweet, totally dopey, typical male.