Originally posted:
https://fanaticmusings.com/nightfin/ Greetings wayward internet surfers!
Here’s an interpretation of the loveable Richard Grayson as a merman for MerMay 2019. You can see it in its full size
here. I’ve never participated in MerMay or heard of it until this year, but I’m pretty excited about it. I have plenty of merfolk to draw! my only regret is that I totally screwed up his shoulder. You will notice that he is a POC (person of color). Yes, that is intentional. He’s Romani/Romany folks! I went with a distinctly Indian descent of that because it was inspired largely by the Richard Grayson of
Scattered Puzzle Pieces who I imagine to be about this color at his darkest (when he allows himself the proper amount of sunlight). Feel how you want about that, but I think it’s about time we stop glossing over his mixed heritage by making him look like a near carbon copy of Bruce.
Huge shout out to
Drawing Wiff Waffles for the tip on
how to get those bubbles right. I watch her all the time and she’s really kick-started my want to draw again and willingness to dedicate some real time to it! I think I should have gone a little darker on some of the bubbles, but you live and you learn, and I was determined to complete this in one day/sitting. There are so many more days in May for me to approve through and I’m looking forward to it.
I think the one thing I am proud of for this one is that I definitely, definitely, got the skin tone right for what I wanted. Ugh, it was so hard. it’snot like Prismacolor makes it very easy to her darker skin tones right, but that is a battle for another day.
That’s all for now. Let me know what you think about it? I’m hoping to improve my art and I’ve really taken a shine to my Prismacolor markers!
Happy creating,
E.J. Wolfe | BadLuckVixen13
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