Feb 17, 2009 10:02
I passed! I am now licensed to drive on this narrow-roaded island. Whew! I absolutely abhor taking driving tests, but I got lucky and ended up with a very calm and friendly examiner. Couple that with my calm, patient, and very capable driving instructor and my own driving history in the states and I guess I was well positioned to pass. Regardless, I'm relieved.
Now I have painting to get to. The kitchen is *so close*.
As a side note, I really, really don't like roundabouts.
Oh, I'm not sure if I've mentioned this, but it looks like we will have a third car joining our little vehicle family. Now, while this seems excessive on the surface, Kate intends to take Becca off the road for a while for repairs and drive Jeji. I will, in turn drive the new DAF, now blessed with the name Vixie. I hope that name doesn't fortell a tricky nature. It was Kate's inspiration. You know how some couple's have matching holiday sweaters. We, totally unintentionally, have matching cars. (;
I wonder if Kate has realised that yet...
Now I get to amuse my co-workers with the wonky old car I'll be driving.