Oct 11, 2008 09:16
I woke up this morning feeling like someone had been driving mountain bikes in my throat. Achy body? Check. Stuffed nose? Check. Huh, some combination of the various cold/virusy things I've had on and off for the past couple weeks seems to have returned. I should have stayed home another day (maybe two) from work.
So now it's the weekend. Let us see what sucks:
1. I'm ill.
2. Kate is ill.
3. I'm stressed about money (student loan, guests coming for visits to London, honeymoon, wedding costs, normal bills).
4. Kate is stressed about her course.
5. We are both stressed about the kitchen and our lazy-ass builders who are going to take six days to install the fucking thing. That means that it'll supposedly be in and everything else done (tiles sealed, lounge cleaned, rubbish hauled) THE DAY BEFORE my mom and her partner arrive from the U.S. to stay with us. Yeah.
Needless to say that the fact that I'm not keeping up very well with 52 Weeks is low on my list of worries at the moment.
On the plus side (hard as it is to feel positive right now):
1. Our rings are done and paid for.
2. I get to see my mom next week.
3. We will (eventually) have a new kitchen.
4. We're getting married. ( :
Life is just being a little temperamental at the moment.