I realized that most of my friends back in the States hear a lot about us working on the house, but don't really get to see many results. Therefore,
here is a quick few photos of what things look like at the moment (minus the currently messy kitchen). Enjoy.
I'm feeling prouder of myself this weekend. The house got more or less cleaned (Kate's a dear for pitching in after an early shift), work on the garden got done (refilling a hole, laying some card for mulching, and brushing black flies off swiss chard - ick), my desk got cleared, I went for a long bike ride, and generally took advantage of the sunny days and lack of deadlines.
I do have a couple student reports that need writing, but I'll probably do those at school in my morning hour where I'm not getting paid. I kind of prefer to have any notes or records available anyway.
The one thing I feel I should do and keep avoiding is filling out an application for a volunteer position. It being a non-paid position has, I expect, quite a lot to do with my lack of motivation. I'm totally thrilled to go and work as a volunteer, but I hate filling out application forms. Should do it, though, since I said I would.
I found a bit of slight fun in a flash game
here. I also have been enjoying watching
Grand Designs. Am vaguely thinking I'd like to go back to watching
Alias. Spent some time today adding books to
my Goodreads page. Speaking of which, I've started in on another
Jeanette Winterson book (
The Stone Gods). I love her writing, but sometimes find it hard to get all the way through her books. Not strangely, her short story collection is my favorite. Still, I hope to finish this one. I'm also working on
Alice in Sunderland and a book about dealing with attention-seeking children. Good stuff.
Oh! That reminds me. I got a wonderful compliment on Friday. My manager (the inclusion manager for the school and a teacher) asked me if I had ever considered becoming a teacher. She proceeded to say she thought I'd make a good one as I clearly cared about the kids a great deal. I kind of went, "aww, um, gosh" and said that I thought my discipline needed a great deal of work. She asked me why I thought that and I answered that I felt that I got flustered when I had a whole class and things started getting a bit loud. In response, she offered to come observe me and give me feedback. While that makes me really nervous, this is why my manager rocks. She is really responsive and friendly and helpful. This is yet another reason I don't want to leave my workplace.
In completely other news, Kate and I got approved for our civil partnership. Yay! We can, as someone (can't remember who) said, get "civilized". We've also decided to have a simple ceremony in the States for those who can't make it over here in October. Got a long to do list for both events as a result. Should all get done...
I suspect I'm rambling, but life has been pretty good lately and I'm feeling more alive (thank goodness for sun and less rain). Hope everyone is well. ( :