Life is good.

Feb 18, 2008 20:23

I was whining earlier about Kate having to go to work, but, really, life is quite good right now.

On Saturday we finally had a new boiler put in and many pipes connected. As a result, we now have the modern convenience of central heating (I can be at home and warm!?) and a shower you don't have to plan twenty minutes to an hour in advance. Oh yeah, the shower is also now standing up and doesn't require one to hold the shower head with one hand. :: in bliss ::

Besides creature comforts, I'm still trying to come to terms with this concept of being engaged. I love it more than I ever thought I would and am enjoying researching rings, dresses, venues. Gah, I'm being such a soppy romantic. My questionable drawing skills are coming in handy as we design dresses and rings. I'm currently wearing a plain white gold band that Kate gave me as a place-holder (so sweet!) and she's wearing one of my favorite rings as her place-holder. We've decided not to have diamonds due to the strife caused by those trading them. So, instead, we're thinking of getting white gold set with two small sapphires (one purple and one blue) for engagement rings and plain white gold bands with inscriptions for wedding rings. Not sure what the inscriptions will say yet.

Dresses are a bit up in the air. We know what we want, but we're not sure we can afford it. Ideally, we'd like to get bespoke dresses made up that match, but are slightly different in certain elements such as color. More than that, I'd really like to get dresses made out of ethical materials (I'm pretty sure Kate's with me on this one). Quotes need to be procured though, before we can know if these dreams are real possibilities.

Venue-wise, there's this lovely ::ahem:: castle* in the Lake District. The people run it as a sort of relaxed bed and breakfast with laying chickens and a kitchen garden. I really like the attitude of laid-back family that comes through their descriptions. I showed it to Kate and she agrees that we should get a quote (and ask if they're gay-friendly). They even have an Honesty Bar (heh, gotta love that).

I'm now off for a week as my school is on half-term. I spent yesterday scrubbing grout off the bathroom floor. Today my hips hurt from being on my hands and knees, but we have a clean, smooth floor to go with the hot water functionality of our shower. Yay!

Today I've been useless and mostly sleeping and reading. As a result, I feel a bit out of it. I had planned to go to my writing group tonight, but that fell through, so now I'm just lounging on the sofa and catching up here and there.

The only damper, besides Kate being on nights, is that money is starting to feel a bit stressy with everything (house, travel, wedding, loan). Sometime this week I need to sit down and figure it out.

* It sounds very grand, but the castle bit isn't why I like it. Still, that's what it is, so it must be said.

planning, life, kate, house, money

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